Since our Spring Break at the beach was a bust, we decided to head to Sea World for the day. The park was insanely packed, even though the weather was windy and crazy cold. I can't believe my pictures have Mady in jeans and a sweater for Spring Break in April! We had a great day and saw the new Elmo and Abby show. Abby even gave Mady a high-five in the middle of the show! We also went on all the rides at Shamu's Happy Harbor and did manage to see a couple of marine animals. I included a picture of a California Sea Lion to prove that we did actually look at the animals. Mady loves the Pets Ahoy! show and we always see it when we visit Sea World. Well, wouldn't you know, as we were waiting for the show to start she fell asleep. Jacob tried several times to get her to wake-up, but she never did. Of course, at the end of the show she woke up and pitched a fit because she missed the doggy and kitty cat show. The next one wasn't for another hour and there was no way we were staying any later. After a quick bribe with a lollipop she was good to go! Here are a few pictures of our day of fun!
Forget the animals, Mady loves the rides!

Taking a nap between shows! Notice how warmly we are dressed!

Elmo and Abby's Treasure Hunt

California Sea Lion, we also saw the penguins, sharks, and beluga whales

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