My little sweet pea is officially 9 months! I can't believe how fast time flies! How come when you're pregnant 9 months drags on, but with an infant it seems just like yesterday we were bringing her home? We have loved being parents of two girls, and it has definitely been the hardest job ever. One is sooo easy compared to two. It completely changed the dynamics of our family and we've adjusted pretty well. It's hard to remember what life was like before she came and now we feel like we don't know anything different. Here are a few things that KK is up to now that she's 9 months old:
- At her 9 month check-up today she weighed 17 pounds even (Mady weighed 14 lbs 10 oz)
- Is in the 25% for height and weight (who's calling her chubs?)
- She is officially caught-up on all her vaxs
- She can pull herself up to a standing position and does it all the time
- She can feed herself puffs
- She's on 3 solid meals a day and loves homemade baby food
- Takes two naps a day: 10 am and 1 pm
- Went on her first spring break trip even though it was a bust
- Has two bottom teeth and the top teeth are about to come through
- Babbles and screams now that she knows it's her voice
- Loves playing in Mady's room with all her stuff
- Wears 9 months clothes and got her first pair of sandals
- Had her first Easter
- Jacob gave her, her first hair cut. I wasn't there so it doesn't count!
- Is such a complete and utter joy! Her belly laughs make you laugh soooo hard!
My little sweet pea is absolutely amazing and beautiful and when she smiles that funny-looking gummy smile you can't help but laugh! We are looking forward to month ten because that gets us closer to summer and her big birthday!
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