Thursday, September 23, 2010

Toy Story 3 on Ice

If you've read any of my previous posts, then you know we are obsessed with Toy Story in our house. Once I found out that TS3 was coming on ice, I knew we had to go. We called all our friends and had a pretty big group join us. It was so much fun seeing the expression on all the kids' faces, and best of all, the daddies came with us! By the end of the show the kids were tired, but for the most part they were entertained and behaved so well.


Mady started taking ballet lessons a few weeks ago. I wasn't planning on signing her up for any fall activities because of starting pre-school and the holidays in the fall, but I found a ballet class that fits our schedule perfectly. She goes every Saturday for 45 minutes and so far has loved it! We will probably continue until the spring when soccer starts and then we'll take a break!

The Greatest Shower Ever!

I threw my best friend, Renee, a surprise baby shower. The theme was purple polka dots and we invited all our friends over to celebrate. The big sisters all wore their big sis t-shirts, and the two little brothers wore their little brother ones. They were all so adorable and everything turned out perfectly. I love planning parties and this one was so much fun. Soon I will be throwing another baby shower for another dear friend and this theme is, "Ships Ahoy, It's A Boy". I already have ideas flowing of what I want to do!
The parents-to-be! So excited to honor them with a special baby shower!

The Decorations and Favors- I love polka-dots, so we had to go with that theme. Jacob actually made the diaper cake for me because it wasn't turning out the way I envisioned and drove me insane. The favors were white chocolate rattles with purple accents and white and purple M&Ms in baby food jars. I made a clothesline out of little onesies and hung it in the dining room and also made a purple polka-dot banner that said, "Welcome Jordan".

The food and cake (and drinks). Since the shower was at night we had sliders, Chick-Fil-A nuggets (the best!) appetizers, and other sides. I actually made Renee bring a side dish so that she wouldn't suspect anything! I got the cake from Publix and changed a few things so that it went with the purple polka-dot theme. And what party isn't complete without margaritas made by the mother-to-be!

The gifts (the best part)! Renee received so many wonderful gifts from all the families. The table was overflowing with presents! I loved the shoe basket from Kim. Hmmmm....wonder who got her the Vera baby bag???

Girls (and boys) just wanna have fun! The kids played and played and even set up their own little school between KK and Mady's room. The adults had a great time sharing stories of what it's like to go from 1 to 2 kids!***Update Miss Jordan Ann Pearson made her arrival on September 18, 2010 weighing in at 6 pounds, 5 ounces at 1:05 pm! She is absolutely precious and looks like a porcelian doll!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Pre-School AKA VPK

Mady has officially started pre-school at Lawton and is loving school. She's been in school for a few weeks now and has already done so many things. Right before school started she met her teacher, Ms. Hunter, and got her school t-shirt. She also got a tour of the classroom and toured the school.

The first week of school went really well and Mady adjusted to being in a new setting with new friends. She was the "Line Leader" and even bought lunch the first day. We are realizing that her favorite lunches to buy are cheese pizza, chicken nuggets, mac-n-cheese, and spaghetti. The other days we pack her lunch with turkey rolls and cheese, and grapes. She loves playing on the playground at recess, which happens to be during my lunch. And I visited her a few times to say hi and take a few pictures.

She's also missed her first day of school because of a fever, and we have a consultation set up with her doctor to discuss some concerns we have about her fevers. If you know Mady, you know she gets a high fever (think 104) about every 3-4 weeks. This has been going on since the summer of 2007 with the promise of it going away when she turned three. Well, a few years later and we're still dealing with them. They went away for a few months, but returned over the summer. Anyways, we have our consultation set-up and I'm sure we'll do bloodwork, etc... to follow up what we did a few years ago when this all started.

Back to VPK... Mady is loving school and doesn't mind too much that she has to go to extended-day at the end of the day. Jacob picks her up and they usually do something fun until KK and I get home.