Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter 2009

This Easter was extra special because it was Kaitlyn's first and Mady really got into the Easter bunny and dyeing and hunting eggs. For a few weeks Mady said that the Easter bunny was bringing her a Dora bathing suit from Target and a chocolate bunny from Publix. Now normally I buy their chocolate bunnies from Schakolad with their names on it, but since Mady really wanted that cheap, tacky bunny from Publix, I decided to save my money and get her one. I still got KK's from Schakolad! I asked Mady what KK wanted from the Easter bunny and she said puffs and a doll, so that's what she got! Both girls did end up with their own chocolate bunnies from Schakolad in their Easter baskets from Jacob's mom!

On Good Friday Mady and KK were having an Easter egg hunt at Mimi's house so we decided to make treats for all their little friends. You just take icing bags from Michaels and fill them with cheese balls, top with some green grass and they look like carrots. Mady was in charge of putting the green grass on top. I think they came out really cute!

The carrot treats are finished!

The Saturday before Easter I took both girls to UCF for the annual Easter egg hunt. It was mad crazy packed, so we went to the continuous hunt where they basically throw eggs on the ground every couple of minutes. Mady was so happy and went about picking up the eggs and putting them in her basket. I set KK on the ground and put some eggs around her mainly to get a few pictures.

Quick picture while hunting eggs.

I'm not sure about this...

Mady filling up her basket!

Later that night we dyed Easter eggs and Mady had a blast. Once we showed her how to do it, she was on her own. She even dipped them in and pulled them out all by herself. After all the eggs were dyed we set out the Easter baskets and even a carrot for the Easter bunny.
Dyeing the eggs all by myself!

Little sister supervising.

All set-up and ready to go!

Ta-Da! Beautiful!

The next morning Mady came out and was so excited to see her chocolate bunny and Dora bathing suit. The Easter bunny even threw in a pair of ballet shoes since Mady's big recital is coming up in June. We went to church with my family and then everyone came over to our house for lunch. Mady had about 5 more egg hunts in our backyard and even hunted the eggs the Easter bunny hid.
Setting out the baskets and a carrot for the Easter bunny.

The Easter bunny came!

Going to check out my loot!

The infamous chocolate bunny!

Grandma, Mommy, and the girls at church.

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