I was hoping to post pictures of the girls in their Easter dresses, but we had to reschedule the rescheduled portrait session. You see, Mady has always been my sick child. She gets these phantom fevers out of nowhere every 3 weeks and they like to stay for about 5 days. As long as Mady has her motrin, she's good to go, dancing, eating, and playing. However, once the meds wear off, she's basically lifeless on the couch burning up. Thank goodness Mimi totally understands and lets me bring Mady to daycare as long as she doesn't have any other symptoms (that's usually when I know it's not just a phantom fever, and possibly strep or an ear infection). I mean, seriously, I can't be using all these sick days up. I had to steal some from Jacob in order to take time off with Kaitlyn. I much rather use my sick days for their intent, you know, Mental Health Days and convenient 3-day weekends. These have been going on now for about 2 years, and her doctor has assured me as she gets older, they'll get better. But, last Friday we were struck by the phantom fever and had to reschedule our portrait session for today. Well, lo and behold, Mimi called me Tuesday and KK had a fever. I was convinced that the second time around, I wouldn't have to deal with the sickies. However, since Thanksgiving, KK has been sick with this and that, namely RSV. She missed her 4 month well check-up, missed the rescheduled appointment, had to get her 4 month shots at the 6 month appointment. Missed the "catch-up" appointment for the 6 month shots, and now here we are with a 9 month appointment on Tuesday for the 6 month and 9 month shots. So, when Mimi called, I was like, "here we go again". Jacob took her to the doctor Wednesday and all was good, just a note to come back on Saturday if she wasn't feeling better. Fast forward to Friday night. UGH! All hell broke loose! KK woke up at 10:30 and didn't stop screaming until about 2:30 in the morning. I took her right in this morning (love Saturday office hours) and she has an ear infection. No big deal, got the free antibiotics, and we can keep the Tuesday 9 month check-up, AKA, Shot Fest '09. However, we had to reschedule the portrait session for the second time for next Saturday. I even got Mady's hair cut yesterday and KK a pair of sandals! So, today we are hanging around the house and hoping KK will be well enough to go to Disney tomorrow. Stay tuned for those pictures tomorrow. In the meantime, look at this adorable picture of my sweet, almost 9 month old baby girl.
My sweet baby girl! She weighs 17 pounds now!
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