We just got back from our annual summer trip to Crescent Beach! The weather was perfect and there were literally no clouds in the sky the whole week! I won't bore you with the details of every day, our schedule went something like this: at the beach by 9, then the pool, up for lunch at 12:30, nap, back down to the pool, dinner around 6, back to the pool or beach, bed. The girls were completely exhausted each night and slept pretty good. It was hard having both girls in the same room with us, and next year we'll probably put Mady in her own room. Normally when we go the girls get their own room, but since we had another family with us, for a total of 8 people, we were crammed together! This was KK's first real trip to the beach. We took her to NSB for Labor Day weekend when she was about 5 weeks old, but that didn't really count. This time she actually put a swimsuit on and went down to the beach and into the water. By Thursday we had, had enough of the sun and decided to head home after dinner. We ate dinner at our favorite restaurant, Creekside Dinery, and then came back to the condo, put the girls in their pajamas and hit the road. We were home by 9:30 pm. Since the condo is going through major renovations right now, we probably won't be back up until September. The good thing about Florida weather is you can go to the beach almost year-round. We're hoping to fit in one more trip to Crescent Beach in the fall! Until then, we'll have to settle with going to NSB for a week in August and some day trips in between!
This is KK's first real time in the ocean. She loved it and was not scared one bit!
The kids riding on Jacob in the pool. That's Mady's friend Bryce.
KK hanging out underneath the tent. She was really good about staying in the shade and playing with her toys.

Mady and Bryce hanging by the pool. If you look at the fence behind them you can see where the umbrellas blew into the fence and knocked it down. I guess a big storm came through over the weekend and the umbrellas were left open.
KK loved hanging in her float. This child LOVES the water!

Just like Mommy getting some sun!

Mady in the hot tub. She loves it!

All the construction at the condo. They're putting in new windows and balconies. We'll be glad when they're done, the place was a wreck!

Since we were in Gator country, we had to proudly display our Gator towel on the beach! (This is for you, Renee)

KK couldn't wait to go in the water now that she had her swimsuit on!

Mady posing at the pool. I do not know where she comes up with this stuff, seriously.

KK, Daddy, and Mady in the pool!

We had such a wonderful time. I won't lie and tell you it was easy, though! With Kaitlyn it was definitely a challenge and 3 nights was probably the most we could handle! We are looking forward to our trip to NSB in August, Kaitlyn will be a year old by then and off of bottles, etc... Jacob and I are so looking forward to our cruise to the Bahamas the week after next. It will be so nice to go to the pool and beach and not have to pack a million things. We will miss the girls terribly, but can't wait!
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