Everyday Kaitlyn takes a nap between 9:30-10:30 and that is usually when Mady gets to do something fun that only big girls get to do (paint, play with the Barbies and their million accessories, go on the trampoline, etc...) however, now that Mady's three I thought it would be a great time to start her on some preschool workbooks that I picked up at the school supply store. I bought her two books: letters and shapes/colors. Today we worked on big A little a, and the sizes big/small, short/tall. Mady loved working in the workbooks and did a great job at pointing out the big or small objects and the short or tall objects. Last week I finally had Mady spelling her name out loud M-A-D-Y. She can also tell you that her name starts with the letter M, and that Mommy and Mimi both start with the letter M. My goal is for her to recognize all 26 letters in the alphabet. So far she seems really eager to learn and has already told me that when she goes to school with me (next year) she is going to get a new lunchbox! She cracks me up!
Coloring objects that start with the letter A.

Putting pictures in order according to size.

I circled all the big pictures!

Coloring my pictures!

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