Saturday, July 11, 2009

Busy Week!

Since I'm home most days of the week by myself with both girls, it's a challenge finding cheap, fun things to do with them. On Mondays they both go to Mimi's so I can get things done (like lunching with my friends!) and on Fridays KK goes to Mimi's so Mady and I can do big girl things together.

Tuesday I had plans to take Mady to the kid's day out program, but it got cancelled so I had to come up with Plan B. I looked at the Mr. Richard site and saw that he was playing at Barnes & Nobles at Waterford at 10:00, yippee! I had both girls dressed and out of the house by 9 am! I wanted to leave early so that I could go to the Super Target over there. After a quick visit to Target we were settled on the floor at B&N by 9:30. You have to get there super early if you want a good spot! I'm glad we got there early, because within 10 minutes there was no room left. As we were waiting for Mr. Richard to sing I took out my camera to take a picture of the girls, plus Mady was wearing her Mr. Richard shirt that she got for her birthday! Of course, as I go to take a picture the light comes on and I didn't have a memory card! UGH! One of these days I'm going to stash one in my baby bag for moments like this! Mr. Richard sang and Mady had a blast dancing and KK sat on my lap pretty well. I had a blanket spread out so she had her own little area. After Mr. Richard we went to Carter's to try and find KK an outfit for her birthday (no luck) and then Party City to get an idea of decorations for her party. After a quick trip to Chic-Fil-A we were home. It was quite a day and I was SO PROUD of myself for getting both girls up and out of the house by 9 am!
This is an older photo from Mady's 3rd birthday when Mr. Richard came!

Tuesday night was also fun because I arranged for our babysitter, Michelle, to come over at 8 so Jacob and I could go see The Hangover! I'm so glad I did because that movie was hilarious! KK was already asleep when Michelle came over, so Mady and Michelle watched Mady's latest obsession, Lady and the Tramp!

On Wednesday I took the girls to the Splash Zone to play in the water. The splash zone does not open until 11 am, so I didn't have to be out of the house quite as early. We were the first ones at the pool and had the whole splash zone to ourselves for about 15 minutes. Mady enjoyed going down the slides and KK splashed in the water. I made sure I had my camera with me this day. We stayed for about an hour and headed home for lunch. I'm glad we went early because the storms came in around 1:30.
KK loves the water!

Mady loved having the splash zone all to herself!

On Thursday I wanted to take the girls to the zoo, but it was raining! We settled for going to story time at the library at 11 and then I took the girls to the mall to play at the playground and eat lunch in the food court. It was hard feeding both of them in the food court, but I managed and then they went wild in the playground. I was afraid all the other moms would have the same idea as me and take the kids to the indoor playground, but it wasn't too crazy. After playing we headed home for naps!

Thursday night was a wild and crazy night. Jacob picked Mady's friend Sarah up on his way home from work for a play date with Mady. The girls had lots of fun playing outside in the sprinkler and on the backyard toys. After a while, Mady's other friend Emily Joy and her mom came over for dinner and to play. The girls had a blast and there weren't too many arguments. I forgot to take pictures of the three girls playing, I was busy maintaining order (okay, so I was sitting on the couch drinking wine and talking to Emily Joy's mom) so I didn't get any pictures!

Friday Jacob took KK to Mimi's and Mady and I had the day to ourselves! After cleaning up what looked like a tornado that went through the family room, living room, and Mady's bedroom, we headed to the zoo. Mady only wanted to go to the splashground and ride the train. So, that's exactly what we did. We also bought a Sno Cone as soon as we got there (Did you know those things are $2? Seriously, I thought it would be like 50 cents, it's just ice and artificial flavoring, but whatever!). Mady played in the splashground and then we had lunch at the zoo. After lunch we rode on the train and headed out! Did we see any animals? Nope. Did I ask Mady if she was sure she didn't want to go see even the snakes (her favorite)? Yep. Oh well, that's why we have annual passes so we can come and go. After the zoo we headed to the mall again since I didn't really get to shop when I was there yesterday with Mady and KK. We found a bathing suit for Jacob, looked all over at every Dept. store for a dress for KK's party (no luck) and went back to the indoor playground. Afterwards it was way past time to get home!

First stop: Sno Cone!

Since the daycare camp hadn't reached the splashground yet, Mady actually got to play!

I had a great time with the girls this week. I think I would go crazy if I sat at home with them all day. Plus, it's always a challenge to not spend too much money seeing as how I'm home on summer break. It would be really easy to just go shopping every day, but I like to find fun (and cheap) things for the girls to do. This week coming up the girls are going to Mimi's on Monday so I can go to a work meeting and then get a pedicure; on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday I'll have to find something for us to do. I'm sure one of those days will be the Splash Zone and maybe I'll take them to the zoo so we can see some animals this time. Friday I'll be packing KK up in the morning and taking her to Grandma and Pop Pop's house for the weekend and then Mady and I will go home and wait for Jacob to come home early from work so we can go on our cruise! We can't wait and we are so excited that we get to take Mady with us!

Lunch at Steak-N-Shake on Saturday! So funny!

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