We just returned this morning from a wonderful 3 night cruise to the Bahamas! It was Jacob, myself, and Mady; as well as Mimi (Mady and KK's babysitter) and Papi and their three children, and The Pearsons and their daughter Emily Joy. You're probably wondering how we all ended up on the same cruise to the Bahamas. Well, Mimi and Papi booked this cruise a few months ago for their family, then The Pearsons booked it a couple months later for their family. When Jacob and I went on this cruise at the end of June we talked to the Loyalty Ambassador and got a pretty good deal so we booked it, too. That's how we all ended up on it together! Traveling with friends is definitely the way to go!
Mady looking out the window in our room! She thought the room was so neat!

Once we arrived on Friday we met up with everyone at the pool. Mady loved playing in the pool even though it was salt water, she didn't even notice. There were also two large hot tubs that she loved going in. We hung out on the pool deck for awhile until it was time to leave for the Muster Drill.
Eating pizza with Troy by the pool!

Wearing her life jacket for the Muster Drill.

After the Muster Drill we met back up on the pool deck for the sailing away party! More swimming and drinking and hanging by the pool!
Emily and Mady had a blast playing in the pool!

Jumping in the shallow end.

We had the late seating for dinner and it was great. We've never done late seating before and it was nice to not have to rush at 6 to go eat. We had dinner each night at 8:30 and Mady did great.
Mommy and Mady before dinner the first night.
Posing in a window!

On Saturday we woke up and headed to the pool while we waited to arrive in Nassau. Around 1 pm we made it into Nassau and went to the Straw Market and of course, Senor Frogs! While we were in Nassau, the city was celebrating a festival called Junkanoo. Basically they had some culture-type stuff out, as well as, Bahama Mamas! Mady didn't make it long in Nassau, so Jacob left and went back to the ship so she could take a nap. I hung out with the group and we made our way into Senor Frogs. Somehow Renee and I ended up chaperoning Mimi's daughter while the rest of the group headed back to the ship. It was the usually touristy party scene with underage drinkers drinking those margarita yards. We stayed for about an hour or two and then the three of us made our way back to the ship!
Drinking a (virgin) Mango Tango by the pool.

Our husbands, the studs. Drinking manly mango tangos!

Trying on funny hats in Nassau.
Having fun at Senor Frogs! Cyndel and the Chaperones!

That night Emily and Mady went to the kid's club while we ate dinner in the dining room. It was so nice to be able to eat dinner in peace and know that Mady was off having fun in the kid's club. Today was also Renee's birthday, so we celebrated at dinner. After dinner we just hung around and then picked the girls up at 11.
The Cougar's birthday! Just kidding, she's way too young!

Sunday we woke up and were in Coco Cay, the private island. Mady ended up sleeping in until 10:30 this morning, so we didn't get to the beach until 11:30. We had a great time of floating in the ocean and Mady and Emily played in the sand. We also drank some Coco Locos while we were there!
Playing in the sand at Coco Cay!

Riding on the cars in the kid's play area.

That night we took the girls to the theater to see a production of music through the decades. Mady and Emily loved the show and danced in the aisle. We tried to take the girls to the kid's club while we were at dinner, but once Mady started crying, Emily was right behind her and we knew it was a no-go. We took the girls to dinner and celebrated Stephen's upcoming 40th birthday (wow, a lot of Pearson birthdays on this trip!). Jacob and Stephen took the girls back to their rooms after dinner so that Renee and I could go out!
Mimi and Papi at dinner. Mady couldn't believe Mimi was on the boat!

Celebrating Stephen's 40th birthday Sunday night.

Funny hat the waiter made for Mady.

The Falk family on Mady's first cruise!

Mady and her pirate bandanna for pirate night!

This morning we woke up bright and early and were off the ship by 8. Jacob went to work and I spent the day with the girls recovering. I am so exhausted and need a vacation from the vacation! It was jammed packed for those 3 days and Mady had so much fun. We can't wait to take her on the Disney cruise at Halloween. We really hope someone will want to join us because cruising with friends was definitely the way to go! It was so relaxed and everyone did what they wanted. We would meet up at the pool or on the beach, and then every night at dinner. We look forward to doing this again soon!