Sunday, May 31, 2009
Big Girl!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Sneak Peek
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Month 10 Already
- Weighs 17 pounds, 4 ounces
- On Mother's Day she started walking behind her push toys
- Started walking holding on to the couch
- Has started eating more people food
- Can hold her own bottle when she's not being lazy
- Still takes 2 consistent naps daily
- Has her top two teeth for a total of 4 teeth
- Spent 3 nights with grandma while we went to Disney
She is getting so big and is starting to play with her toys now. She loves going into Mady's room and playing with the Barbie dolls or anything that makes noise and music. Her favorite toy at the moment is either the remote or the phone. She loves pushing buttons! She starts to cry now when we leave her at daycare or when we put her down. She loves to be held nonstop.
She went almost a whole month without having a sick doctor visit, but today Jacob had to take her in for her cough. When we left last Friday she had the beginnings of a runny nose and cough, but we didn't think much of it. However, last night she didn't sleep at all and had a hard time taking her bottle. Jacob took her in this morning and her doctor prescribed a nebulizer. So, for the next 4 days we are giving her 3 breathing treatments a day for 10 minutes. She got the first one at the doctor's office and Jacob said she screamed the whole time (which is a good thing). He gave her the afternoon treatment and the same thing happened. Tonight I'm supposed to give her the last one of the day and I dread it! Hopefully by Saturday she'll be less congested and back to normal.
I didn't get a chance to take a picture of her in Mady's chair, so I'll have to do that tomorrow or Friday!
Monday, May 25, 2009
What a Weekend!
We arrived Friday afternoon and had dinner at the resort. While we waited on our friends to arrive, we hung around the resort and Mady enjoyed playing at the Pirate Ship pool and the hot tub with Jacob. Around 8 o'clock our friends arrived and we headed to Downtown Disney. At Downtown Disney we walked around all the shops and found the girls matching princess crowns. Around 11 we headed back to the resort to rest and get ready for Animal Kingdom on Saturday!
Hanging out in the hot tub!
Mady and Jacob looking at a giraffe on the Safari
Princess Aurora, AKA Sleeping Beauty
Getting Goofy's autograph
Pluto, the closest thing to a dog Mady will ever have.
Family photo with the big cheese.
Mickey (again!)
Quincy from the Little Einsteins
All in all, it was a fantastic trip. I'm so glad we left KK with my mom. It would've been a completely different trip if we had to bring her. We enjoyed spending time with just Mady and giving her all of our attention. We also enjoyed spending time with our friends, The Pearsons, and their daughter, Emily. Mady and Emily have become great friends and it's even better that her parents have now become friends of ours!
Now, here's a trivia question... does anyone know about the 8th dwarf that Disney scratched? Also, have you heard of this orange beer that comes in a green bottle that was supposedly made in the UK? I think it's called Tang, Fanta, or Crush? Hmmm...
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Shopping Spree
Off to Church
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Feed Me Seymour!
Chowing down with my two teeth and gums
This picture is so funny with her eyes closed!
All done. Now daddy gets to clean me up!
Oh, and if anyone's wondering... my mom is going to watch KK while we go to Disney for Memorial Day weekend. We are so excited and see lots of pool time and fun headed our way. I did figure out which princess Mady's going to be for the Storybook Princess Dinner. It's not really a princess, but it'll do. I found Mady an Alice in Wonderland costume and it's so cute. It should be here next week. She's excited to wear the black ribbon in her hair and the white tights with black shoes. Hopefully she'll cooperate and I'll get some cute photos! Only one more week!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Epcot Flower and Garden Festival
Goofy playing tennis!
Mommy and KK in front of the ball!
Sorcerer Mickey!
Minnie Mouse!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The Sweetest Thing