Sunday, January 16, 2011

PJ and Pet Day and Other Weekend Happenings...

I am far behind on my blogging, but my plan is to use my MLK holiday to update November and December. November doesn't have much, but we did A LOT in December. I decided I would just start January now since it's 1/2 way through the month and I'm not behind, yet!

On Friday Mady's class had a pet show to complete their study on pets. Thank goodness it was not an actual "bring in you pet" show, because everyone knows I am anti-pet. Even Mady will tell you she doesn't want a dog because "we already have KK". Sad, but true. So, we thought about it for a few days and then Mady finally decided to bring in her Barbie dog in the carrier. I thought it was perfect and she looked so cute bringing it in its own little carrier. It was also PJ day and Mady was super excited about this! She knew instantly that she was going to wear her Tinkerbell pjs. I love that I'm right next door to her and can pop over and see her during these special events! Next year I will have an intern so I can still stay involved!

On Saturday I took Mady to her usual ballet class and asked the teacher if KK could try out for the class since technically she's only 2 1/2 and the class is for 3-5 year olds. I spoke with the teacher afterwards and KK was allowed to stay. Thank goodness because she LOVES doing anything her big sister does and wants so badly to dance with her sister.

On Sunday we headed to the Brevard Zoo to check out the animals. The Brevard Zoo is awesome and we try to make it over there about 2 times a year. Most of the animals were out, except for the giraffes. They didn't want anything to do with us and our crackers. The girls were disappointed that they didn't get to feed them, but they got over it quickly.

Next weekend we are headed up to the condo in St. Augustine to see the lights and also eat at our favorite restaurants. We've been cooped up in this house way too long with Mady's surgery and Jacob's procedure that we are excited to GET OUT!

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