Our November was pretty low key. Every weekend went something like this: ballet, UCF football game, SEC football on tv, etc... The Saturday before Thanksgiving we had an early Thanksgiving with my dad's side of the family. Thank goodness we did, because we really didn't get to do much on the actual day.
On October 22nd we received a referral to an ENT and Infectious Disease doctor for Mady. We've been battling frequent fevers for 3 years now and we finally decided that she needed to see 2 specialists. After 2 weeks of doctor visits and bloodwork trips everyone was in agreement to have her tonsils and adenoids out. I knew immediately that I wanted to do it the Monday of Thanksgiving since we'd already be home and I wouldn't have to miss work and Mady wouldn't have to miss much school. The surgery was scheduled and exactly one month later from the initial referral, Mady had the surgery. Everything went well and we brought her home to rest. It was a horrible recovery with Mady ending up at APH for excessive bleeding into her stomach and weight loss. We stayed the night and then she returned to school the following Wednesday.
November wasn't all that bad... I did throw an amazing baby shower for my dear friend Kim (who is due any day now) and we did get out of the house to see Tangled (even though Mady fell asleep 3/4 of the way through because of her meds). We had a very nice, low key Thanksgiving with some friends at their house where Mady could rest and Jacob was able to sneak off to his brother's house for a few hours and spend some time with his family.