I can't believe Kaitlyn turned 2 this summer! We had lots of parties to celebrate her second birthday all week long!
The first birthday party was on her actual birthday, July 27, at Mimi's house. All her daycare friends were there to celebrate, complete with a Minnie Mouse cake. She received a lot of great gifts from a Minnie purse to new Sketchers from Mimi!

Later that night we continued our birthday tradition and had dinner at Steak-n-Shake followed by cake at home. She opened her presents from us and grandma and loved them. She especially loved the pink dump wagon from grandma and she liked the Minnie Mouse doll from Mady.

On Saturday we had our big birthday bash with an Elmo theme. We rented a water slide and had lots of food and drinks. KK braved the slide and Mady and her friends loved doing tricks and dancing at the top!

Sunday was our family birthday party with Jacob's side. We celebrated at grandma and pop pop's house and KK's favorite foods: chicken fingers and mac-n-cheese. We decided to make KK's cake and it turned out really cute for our first try. Jacob made the cake and decorated it and my job was to put on the letters and the Minnie Mouse.

Kaitlyn's birthday was a huge success! I can't believe she's two years old! Her 2 year check-up is in September so look for that update!
The first birthday party was on her actual birthday, July 27, at Mimi's house. All her daycare friends were there to celebrate, complete with a Minnie Mouse cake. She received a lot of great gifts from a Minnie purse to new Sketchers from Mimi!
Later that night we continued our birthday tradition and had dinner at Steak-n-Shake followed by cake at home. She opened her presents from us and grandma and loved them. She especially loved the pink dump wagon from grandma and she liked the Minnie Mouse doll from Mady.
On Saturday we had our big birthday bash with an Elmo theme. We rented a water slide and had lots of food and drinks. KK braved the slide and Mady and her friends loved doing tricks and dancing at the top!
Sunday was our family birthday party with Jacob's side. We celebrated at grandma and pop pop's house and KK's favorite foods: chicken fingers and mac-n-cheese. We decided to make KK's cake and it turned out really cute for our first try. Jacob made the cake and decorated it and my job was to put on the letters and the Minnie Mouse.
Kaitlyn's birthday was a huge success! I can't believe she's two years old! Her 2 year check-up is in September so look for that update!