I see lots of fun times together this summer with these three girls. They were so well-behaved and all got along so well together. Now that summer is officially here we can start planning our playdates!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
To Infinity and Beyond!!!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Birthday Party, Parade, Princesses OH MY!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Magical Memorial Day Weekend
After checking in we quickly dropped our luggage off and headed to Hollywood Studios to see the Block Party Bash. It features characters from Toy Story, and since that is the latest obsession in our house, we were on a mission to find Jessie! The girls wore their Jessie shirts and we quickly arrived at Hollywood Studios. We found a place on the route and waited for the party to begin! The girls loved the party and Jessie was so excited to see the girls wearing her shirt!
After the Block Party we headed to the Animation Studio to see the new character from TS3, Lotsa-Huggin. This is a new pink bear that is featured in the movie. The girls were first in line and loved hugging the bear.
We were going to head to the Beauty and the Beast show, but since neither girl seemed too upset at missing it, we decided to head back to the resort and go to the pool. While the dads took the girls to the pool, we unpacked and met up with them. After hanging out at the pool we came back to the room to find a surprise from Tinkerbell! She brought the girls new Jessie pajamas, a princess nightgown with a magic wand and slippers, princess socks, princess hair ties, princess markers, princess stickers, a Mickey and Minnie coloring book, princess pens for autographs, and Belle lipstick. Tinkerbell even left pixie dust from the door to the chair where she left the surprises! The girls were more excited about the pixie dust (confetti) than the actual treasures.
We were going to head to the ESPN bar at the Boardwalk that night, but since the weather was raining off and on and everyone was so exhausted, we decided to have dinner at the food court and watch the game in our rooms. We had a great time anyways and we were glad we didn't go to the Boardwalk since the game was a loss. The girls had a great time hanging in the hotel room, running from room to room, playing with their new treasures.
The next morning we got up early and headed to Magic Kingdom. It was crowded, but it didn't stop us from seeing and riding on everything we wanted to do. Since this weekend was all about seeing the characters from TS3, we made sure we were first in line to see Woody and Jessie in Frontierland. They got lots of time with them since they were first in line and Mady loved getting their autographs.
At 11:00 there was a Move it, Shake it, Celebrate it! Parade/party that we wanted to to see. This parade featured Chip and Dale, Mickey and Minnie, and Woody and Jessie. We made sure when the parade stopped to get Mady and Emily over to Jessie so they could dance with her. They had a great time and got up close to Jessie!
Dancing in the street with Jessie!
After the parade we rode on It's a Small World, Aladdin's Carpets, Haunted Mansion, and the Carousel. We were worn out and ready to head to the pool since we were coming back to the MK later that night.
We spent a few hours at the pool enjoying the sun. The girls had a blast playing at the pirate pool and going down the slides. It started to get cloudy so we headed back to the room and everyone took naps.
Hanging in the room watching TS2 and eating snacks!
Later that night we headed to the MK to see the SpectroMagic parade. First we had to ride on Peter Pan's Flight since it's one of our favorite rides. We were smart and got fast passes for it when we were at MK earlier in the day. Considering the wait was 80 minutes, it was a smart idea! After we rode Peter Pan we headed over and got our spot for the SpectroMagic Parade. We saw this parade back in January and it's cool to see a parade at night with all the characters lit up.
Waiting for the SpectorMagic parade with our cool Buzz Lightyear light-ups!
Here's Minnie all lit-up!
After the parade we headed over to the Judge's Tent in Toon Town and met the princesses. We had a 5 minute wait and it was perfect. Mady got to meet Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, and Belle. Everytime she sees them it's like the first time all over again! She gets so excited.
Meeting Sleeping Beauty again!
No trip is complete without seeing Cinderella!
We then went to see the fairies. This was a good idea since the fireworks were booming outside and both girls are terrified of fireworks. Here we met Iridessa, Tinkerbell, and Terrence. Mady and Emily thanked Tinkerbell for leaving them treasures in their room and Tinkerbell was so nice and played along with the girls!
Soon it was 11 pm and time to head back to the room. We were all exhausted from a long day at the parks and pool.
Exhausted, but happy group!
The next morning, Sunday, we slept in and headed to the Swan for breakfast with Chip, Dale, Goofy and Pluto. We always go to this character breakfast because you don't have to have reservations and can usually walk right in with minimal wait. The girls had a great time and we got some wonderful pictures of the families with the characters.
Waiting patiently at the Swan for breakfast!
Chip acting silly!
Since the weather was so nice we decided to head back to the resort and spend the day at the pool. The girls had a great time and discovered the slide at the big pool. Once they figured out how to go down the slide and swim to us at the bottom, they did it nonstop. We had a great time at the pool with wonderful weather, but we wanted to catch the parade at Animal Kingdom so we packed up and headed back to the room to get ready.
Of course, as soon as we got on the bus to AK it started pouring! We had our ponchos and umbrellas, but we really didn't need them. It was a quick rain and then the sky opened up and it was beautiful out. It wasn't even humid and muggy! The girls loved the parade and saw all their favorite characters dressed in their jungle gear.
Another parade? Yep, it's the Jammin Jungle Parade at Animal Kingdom!
We always see the Festival of the Lion King Show, so after the parade we headed to the show. Afterwards there were lots of characters out and we met Donald and Minnie.
After the parade we rode the train to Rafiki's Planet Watch and met Pocahontas and Rafiki. We then headed back to the safari and walked right on. At first we weren't sure we were going to see any animals since it was getting late, but we did manage to see most of them, including a yellow-billed duck!
We then headed to Dino Land so the girls could ride the dinosaur ride. On our way we stopped and saw Pooh, Eeyore, and Tigger. This was the first time Mady's seen these characters and the wait was only 5 minutes!
The park closed at 8, so we headed back to the resort to take the girls night swimming. They had been begging all weekend to go night swimming, so tonight was the night! They had a blast and we all came back to the hotel exhausted.
The next morning it was time to check-out! The weekend flew by and we were all sad to leave the happiest place on Earth. We decided to spend a few hours at the pool and then headed home around 2. It was one of the best trips we've had and we were so glad it didn't rain as much as it did last Memorial Day Weekend.
This is the life! Too bad we have to go back to reality today!
Here are the characters we met/got autographs from: Woody, Jessie, Lotsa-Huggin, Pooh, Tigger, Eeyore, Sleeping Beauty, Belle, Cinderella, Iridessa, Tinkerbell, Terrence, Rafiki, Pocahontas, Dale, Goofy, Pluto, Donald, and Minnie! Whew!