Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Boosterthon Fun Run!
This year our school had their first ever Boosterthon Fun Run! It's a fundraiser based on running, and since Mady is a student at Lawton, she participated. I came out and cheered her on and her friend Bryce. It was so cute watching her run, however, she over did herself and threw-up afterwards! She hung out with me for a bit and then I sent her back to class. Our school did awesome and raised $26,000! Of course I had to hit up the grandparents for some donations!

Random trip to the Magic Kingdom!
In October we had a Monday off for fall break, and since we really didn't have anywhere to go and we were already planning a trip to Sanibel Island, we decided to take Mady and her friend to the Magic Kingdom for the day. We were hoping since it was a Monday it wouldn't be too crowded. It was a nice day and with all the construction going on in Fantasyland we did a few things and then left. It was a nice day off and the girls had a blast. They even rode the go-karts for the first time in Tomorrowland. Of course we couldn't miss the street party with Woody and Jessie!

Sanibel Island
Every fall my best friend from Kentucky comes down to Sanibel Island with her family for a week. Being pregnant or having a newborn at home, or going on a Disney Cruise like last year, we haven't been able to meet up. This year I was determined to make it down. It was Halloween weekend so we didn't get to stay an extra day, but I'm thankful for the weekend we did have together! It was so much fun seeing her boys and how much they've grown and her seeing my girls! I will definitely not wait that long again between visits and we should make it again next fall and stay for a longer time!

October and all that Fall Fun!
I am trying to update my blog monthly with all the happenings, but it seems we have so many happenings that it takes me forever to go through all my pictures and then write-ups, that I get behind! So, here goes for the month of October!

And no Halloween is complete without a trip to the pumpkin patch. We found a really cute patch in Winter Springs and took the girls there to pick out a pumpkin to carve.

Then the big night of Trick or Treating came! We were invited to a driveway party at my friend Steph's house with a bunch of other families. We had dinner and then took the kids ToT'ing around the neighborhood. The cool thing is we were in Mimi's neighborhood so we got to stop by her house, which the kids loved! Mady dressed up as Peter Pan, which was absolutely adorable with her new haircut. KK was a UCF cheerleader since she didn't want to wear a Tinkerbell costume because it was itchy! 

We started the month with a trip to Sea World's Halloween Spooktacular. We thought by going at the beginning of the month it wouldn't be crowded, ha! It was packed, but the girls had fun. KK even met Abby Cadabby, but is not comfortable with characters just yet.
Our next outing was to Green Meadows Farm. We love going here and I can't wait for Mady's class to go next year in kindergarten. I'll probably make Jacob chaperone, but I still love going with the family. KK even rode on the pony all by herself this year and she was so excited. We always end a trip to the farm with lunch at Mimi's Cafe!

Of course we had to visit the zoo for the Zoo Boo Bash. Not many pictures to take here since we go to the zoo quite a bit. But, we always end a zoo trip with lunch at Cracker Barrel. See a theme?

Since Mady's attending VPK right here at my school, I am fortunate to not only be a room rep, but also attend all the fun things they do during the school day. Her class had a fall party and I took a few pictures of the fun things they did like making acorns out of donut holes, decorating cookies, and playing pin the insect in the spider web.

Then the big night of Trick or Treating came! We were invited to a driveway party at my friend Steph's house with a bunch of other families. We had dinner and then took the kids ToT'ing around the neighborhood. The cool thing is we were in Mimi's neighborhood so we got to stop by her house, which the kids loved! Mady dressed up as Peter Pan, which was absolutely adorable with her new haircut. KK was a UCF cheerleader since she didn't want to wear a Tinkerbell costume because it was itchy!
I have lots more to post on the month of October, including a trip to Sanibel to meet up with my best friend and a trip to the Magic Kingdom when we had a day off in the middle of the week! Stay tuned!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Kaitlyn's 2 Year Check-Up
KK finally made it to her two year check-up at the end of September. With school starting in August and being away to the beach, we couldn't squeeze it in until then. She did wonderful and Dr. Aquilar was so pleased with her development. She is talking in 3 word sentences "Where is Daddy" "Where is Mady" "I want snack" etc... This is really good for her age and we are so happy. We think she gets a lot of it from Mady because she tries to be just like her! She also can sing her ABC's crystal clear and we often get confused that it's Mady singing when it's really KK. We're attempting potty training and that is a feat in itself, but we are confident by Christmas she will be finished. She is also going to transition to a big girl bed during winter break since she loves sissy's bed and will sleep in it with no problem. She is a rambunctious two year old with her own personality, that's for sure. She is definitely testing us and likes to say "no". She's had her fair share of time-outs and swats on the hand! Clothes are a major obstacle for us and she likes to change her clothes often. Shoes are a nightmare and she loves flip-flops! Her favorite shows continue to be Barney, Max and Ruby, Yo Gabba Gabba and anything Disney. She LOVES Abbey from Sesame Street, but when she met her, she freaked! Life with KK is definitely an adventure and her no-fear attitude keeps us busy!
Her stats:
Weight: 24.5 pounds 10-25% (she's definitely getting slender)
Height: 34 inches 50% (she's getting tall)
For comparision:
Currently Mady is 32 pounds and 39 inches!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Toy Story 3 on Ice
If you've read any of my previous posts, then you know we are obsessed with Toy Story in our house. Once I found out that TS3 was coming on ice, I knew we had to go. We called all our friends and had a pretty big group join us. It was so much fun seeing the expression on all the kids' faces, and best of all, the daddies came with us! By the end of the show the kids were tired, but for the most part they were entertained and behaved so well.

Mady started taking ballet lessons a few weeks ago. I wasn't planning on signing her up for any fall activities because of starting pre-school and the holidays in the fall, but I found a ballet class that fits our schedule perfectly. She goes every Saturday for 45 minutes and so far has loved it! We will probably continue until the spring when soccer starts and then we'll take a break!

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